Bullying Awareness Week is about working at preventing bullying through education and awareness, recognizing the impact of bullying on personal health and wellness and what we can do about bullying. See below for information on bullying in the workplace.
Addressing Co-Worker Abuse in the Workplace
From the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta
? The purpose of this guideline is to provide info on the effect of bullying on patient care and how to create a psychologically safe workplace
Best Practice in Workplace Violence and Bullying Interventions
From the PRIMA-EF Consortium
? Discusses the key interventions for the prevention and management of workplace violence and bullying
https://www.who.int/occupational_health/publications/10_Violence and Bullying Interventions.pdf
Bullying in the Workplace: A Handbook for the Workplace
From Public Services Health & Safety Association
? The purpose of this workbook is to provide info on the prevalence and effects of bullying in the workplace. The workbook also has suggestions on how to prevent and/or minimize any negative effects of workplace bullying.
Preventing Bullying Through Science, Policy, and Practice
From The National Academy of Sciences
? This e-book has info on preventing bullying in the workplace
Insights into Workplace Bullying: Psychosocial Drivers and Effective Interventions
From the Journal of Psychology Research and Behavior Management
? Reviews the research literature on bullying interventions
Guide for Prevention and Responding to Workplace Bullying
From Safe Work Australia
? Has info on what workplace bullying is, how it can be prevented and how to respond to reports of bullying
Pocket Guide on Bullying and Violence in the Workplace
From the Professional Institute of Public Service Canada
? Has info on how bullies select targets and events that may trigger bullying
The Toll of Workplace Bullying
From the Journal Research Management Review
? Gives an overview of types of bullies and emotional aftermath of bullying
Workplace Bullying: A Tale of Adverse Consequences
From the Journal Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience
? This journal article provides info on the medical and psychological impacts of workplace bullying
Workplace Bullying: Causes, Consequences, and Intervention Strategies
From the International Affairs Committee of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
? Has key info on predictors and consequences of bullying, including the human and organization costs
Workplace Incivility and Bullying in the Library: Perception or Reality?
From the Journal College and Research Libraries
? This article reviews the prevalence, causes, and ramifications of bullying in the librarian community
See even more bullying resources on Portico at
? https://www.porticonetwork.ca/search?i_search=bullying