By Sarah Bonato, Reference/Research Librarian, CAMH Library
Movember is a time to raise awareness of men's health issues on a global scale and the need to reduce the number of men dying needlessly each year. One identified health issue is suicide. The suicide rate for men is three times higher than for women.*
See below for a selection of resources on suicide awareness and suicide prevention for men.
* Statistics Canada,
Signs of Current Suicidality in Men: A Systematic Review, by Tara Hunt, Coralie J. Wilson, Peter Caputi, Alan Woodward, and Ian Wilson
From PloS One 12, no. 3 (2017): e0174675
- This review focuses on whether there are male-specific signs of current suicidality and discusses male suicidal presentation. The authors also identify current research gaps and direction for future research, since identifying signs of suicide in men is essential for reducing rates of male suicide. This is a good evidenced-based review summarizing the research on male-specific signs of suicide ideation and suicide attempts.
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Best Brains Exchange Report: Masculinity and Male Suicide Prevention (2016)
From the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, in collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Mental Health Commission of Canada, the Movember Foundation, and the Men’s Depression and Suicide Network
- The Best Brains Exchanges are one-day, in-camera meetings that sponsored by the Canadian Institute for Health Research. They have valuable info on how research and innovation in men’s mental health can be used to identify of best practices for suicide prevention, including examples of specific interventions and new initiatives. Leading researchers, clinicians, survivors of suicide attempt or loss, NGOs, frontline providers, and others working in the field of masculinity and male suicide prevention were included in the conversation.
Access at
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