This year, for International Friendship Day (July 31st), we thought we’d introduce you to some of our friends, the CAMH social media accounts. Get to know a few of the official Twitter handles from a wide range of groups around CAMH. We’re always sharing learning and innovation from around CAMH and beyond!
@CAMHnews is the primary CAMH account. Run by our mates in Public Affairs, they will keep you up-to-date with all official CAMH news. To stay up on everything from mental health research, politics and policy to our clients success stories, follow this team. You can also connect with them through the main CAMH page on Facebook, on the CAMH Blog or on our main website,
@endstigma is CAMH Foundation’s Twitter account. Their focus is to raise funds and awareness for the work we do at CAMH while ending stigma. If you want to help raise awareness—and often have fun while doing so—follow them to become involved in their current campaigns. They can also be found at and on Facebook.
@CAMHResearch is Canada’s leading mental health and addictions research centre, and is home to researchers in brain science in the Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, clinical research, and social science in the Institute for Mental Health Policy Research. This account will keep you in the loop with scientific breakthroughs and news. More on CAMH Research can be found on
@PorticoNetwork is a robust hub of resources and community of practice spaces powered by CAMH for mental health and addictions professionals across Canada. Join them and get in on the discussions at
@SISC_Connect is a CAMH-sponsored project that helps coordinate Service Collaboratives across Ontario. Together, their goal is to improve the coordination of mental health and addiction services. Follow them to stay abreast of provincial-wide developments, workshops and training. Find their website at
@EENet_news is an Ontario-wide knowledge exchange network, who have the goal of making our mental health and addictions system more evidence-informed. To find out more, or to join as a stakeholder, go to their site:
@PSQuitSmoking is CAMH Nictotine Services’ handle. Follow them to find out about upcoming smoking cessation programs and a variety of news and info on nicotine dependance. They also feature updates from Dr. Peter Selby, PI of CAN-ADAPTT, STOP and TEACH Projects (more detail on their website:
@PGIO_CAMH is the Problem Gambling Institute of Ontario at CAMH. They bring together treatment professional with experts in sharing knowledge, covering everything from traditional gambling situations to newer issues, such as problem gaming. You can also check them out at
@mythoughtspot is the Twitter account for our Thought Spot project. Mentored by CAMH Education, this “for students by students” crowdmap of health and wellness “spots” is a great resource for transition-age youth within the GTA. Follow them to find out what’s happening and to be in the loop for new releases of the Thought Spot website and Thought Spot: The App. You can also follow them on Facebook and on their website,
Last but not least, our account:
@camhEdu will keep you abreast of CAMH Education projects and education in general at CAMH. We also curate mental health and addiction education tweets of interest for students, educators, mental health professionals, staff, clients and family. And, of course, you can follow us here on our blog