To celebrate National Aboriginal Day 2016, check our new online guide Indigenous Peoples: Mental Health, Healing and Wellness.
From the Introduction:
“This guide focuses primarily on resources about Indigenous Peoples from the CAMH Library collections, supplemented with additional resources such as links to reports, journals and organizational websites. Its purpose is to serve as an introduction and overview of the topic, not an in depth literature review.
Although the focus is on mental health and substance abuse, the approach is holistic, including broader topics and sources of information.
The CAMH Library has an in depth collection of historical interest. It includes books, reports, and curricula from Australia, the US and Canada, including:
? Canadian Royal Commission reports
? Resources from Aboriginal organizations such as the Nechi Institute, Centre of Indigenous Learning
? Works by Maggie Brady, a well known Australian researcher.”
Featured CAMH Publications include Decolonizing Trauma Work: Indigenous Stories and Strategies (Renee Linklater, 2014), Healing Traditions (Laurence J. Kirmayer, 2008) and Journey to Healing: Aboriginal People with Addiction and Mental Health Issues (Peter Menzies and Lynn F. Lavallee, 2014).
Access the guide at
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