Happy Earth Day! See below for resources on the role nature can play in improving mental health, well being and recovery.
Green Space and Mental Health: Pathways, Impacts, and Gaps
From the National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health
? An overview about how access to green space can be an effective component of therapeutic interventions.
Access at https://www.ncceh.ca/sites/default/files/Full_Review-Greenspace_Mental_Health_Mar_2015.pdf
NHS Forests: Growing Forests for Health
From the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
? Lists the research evidence on how hospital gardens, contact with green spaces, and trees and woods can aid with recovery
Access at https://nhsforest.org/evidence
This is Your Brain On Nature
From National Geographic. 2016 Jan; 34-67
? Read about how interacting with nature can benefit over stressed brains
Access at https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2016/01/call-to-wild/