Canadian Patient Safety Week reminds us to keep safety first and foremost in our minds. Here are some Canadian resources to help.
The Case for Investing in Patient Safety in Canada
From RiskAnalytica, commissioned by the Canadian Patient Safety Institute
? Uses the science of applied risk management to make the case for investing in patient safety in order for future healthcare cost savings.
Access at Case for Investing in Patient Safety.pdf
Engaging Patients in Patient Safety: A Canadian Guide
From the Patient Engagement Action Team
? Discusses evidence and leading practices for everyone involved with patient engagement, including health care providers, managers, patients and families.
Access at
Improving Prescription Drug Safety for Canadian Seniors
From the Institute for Research on Public Policy
? This report discusses problems, consequences and proposes solutions regarding unsafe and inappropriate use of prescription drugs by seniors.
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Keeping Your Patients Safe: A Guide to Primary Care Management of Mental Health and Addictions-related Risks and Functional Impairments
From TheWell: Practical Tools and Resources for Primary Care
? A tool to help primary care providers identify and manage risk.
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Nurse Fatigue and Patient Safety
From the Canadian Nurses Association
? This environmental scan includes a national survey and a literature review.
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Patient Safety Learning Systems: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Synthesis
From Health Quality of Ontario
? This health quality assessment discusses how patient safety learning systems/critical incident reporting systems can improve patients safety.
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