It’s National Therapeutic Recreation Month
See below for a select list of evidence based resources on therapeutic recreation in behavioral health.
Evidence In-Sight: Recreation Therapy
From the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health
? This report discusses the goals and objectives of recreation therapy and the children and youth that particularly benefit from recreation therapy
Horticultural Therapy for Schizophrenia
From the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
? This review focuses on the effects of horticultural therapy for people diagnoses with schizophrenia;jsessionid=5AC97431E398F1A088406A18F6B5D322.f02t03
Interventions for Adolescents and Young Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders:Comparative Effectiveness Reviews
From the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
? This systematic review discusses the evidence on therapies for adolescents and young adults (ages 13 to 30) with autism spectrum disorders, including the evidence for therapeutic recreation.
Therapeutic recreation for elderly and mental health patients: clinical benefit, safety, and guidelines
From the Canadian Institute for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH)
? This rapid response report has information on the clinical benefits, safety issues and guidelines for therapeutic recreation in the elderly or mental health patients OUtings and Day trips for the Elderly Final.pdf
What Is the Evidence to Support the Use of Therapeutic Gardens for the Elderly?
From the journal Psychiatry Investigation, 2012 Jun; 9(2): 100–110
? This literature review presents the data on the effects of natural settings for the long term care and rehabilitation of the elderly who are experiencing the medical and mental health problems frequently associated with aging