Navigating the mental health system can be overwhelming for young people, especially for those accessing services for the first time. Often, youth have to be told what services are best suited for them because of a lack of knowledge about the resources that are available. This prevents them from getting the help they seek.
This is where the Wellness Quest project comes in – and we are asking for your help! Please vote for this project in the Aviva Community Fund Competition to help us raise up to $100,000 in funding needed to make this project a success.
Wellness Quest is a national project of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s National Youth Advisory Committee (NYAC). Developed by youth, for youth, the project consists of two components meant to guide youth through the mental health system. The Guidebook provides clear information on available services youth can access. The Checklist helps young people identify the issues and services most important to them, which they can then share with service providers.
The goal of this project is to help youth understand the services that might be available, and provide them with what they need to advocate for the services that may be the best fit for them.
The vision of the Wellness Quest project is to move young people from the role of patient to partner in their own mental health care.
You can help by registering to vote now at the Aviva Community Fund website. After you have registered, visit this page: CAMH Wellness Quest Project and vote up to 18 times for our project!
Voting is open now, and runs until October 28th. Every vote counts, so please help us get youth even more invested in their mental health.
Check out the video here: