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CAMH volunteer Candace Allman

CAMH celebrates volunteers

CAMH’s volunteers share their time, energy and passions with patients across a range of programs at the hospital.

About CAMH celebrates volunteers
Integrated care pathway team members (from left): CAMH’s Dr. Tarek Rajji, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar and Rong Ting, and Dr. Peter Derkach

CAMH treatment model for Alzheimer's agitation expands into large-scale studies

The new way of treating agitation and aggression in people with Alzheimer’s disease is showing positive outcomes, and will be tested in seven sites across Canada.

About CAMH treatment model for Alzheimer's agitation expands into large-scale studies
Dr. Breno Diniz

Could a blood test guide care for those with late-life depression?

A new study by Dr. Breno Diniz is advancing CAMH’s goal of finding biological measures of mental illness.

About Could a blood test guide care for those with late-life depression?
Younger woman hugging older woman

Preventing mental illness in later years

In this Q&A with CAMH's leading experts in late-life mental health, we explore the mental health concerns that affect older Canadians and how CAMH researchers are addressing these issues.

About Preventing mental illness in later years
Sad older couple

Finding new ways to treat late-life depression

Depression among older people may bring added challenges, including a greater risk of developing dementia. CAMH researchers are studying new approaches to treat late-life depression.

About Finding new ways to treat late-life depression
Roshni Project members

The Roshni Roadshow

The Roshni Project team at CAMH showcased short films co-created by young South Asian women experiencing mental illness and/or substance use concerns.

About The Roshni Roadshow

Lovebot creator shares the love at CAMH

New collaboration between CAMH’s Gifts of Light and Toronto-based artist Matthew Del Degan, the creator of the two-foot-tall concrete sculptures called Lovebots.

About Lovebot creator shares the love at CAMH
Brain images showing MAO-B levels in a depression study by CAMH's Dr. Jeffrey Meyer

CAMH study reveals a new target for developing treatments for depression

Researchers discover higher levels of a brain protein in people with clinical depression

About CAMH study reveals a new target for developing treatments for depression
Dr. Jeff Meyer working at computer

Hope for new moms

13 per cent of new mothers experience postpartum depression. And now there’s a treatment that may help prevent it.

About Hope for new moms
Crane about to be removed - CAMH Redevelopment Update - March 2019

CAMH Redevelopment Update: March 2019

CAMH is committed to keeping our communities, neighbours and staff informed about the progress of the Queen Street Redevelopment Project.

About CAMH Redevelopment Update: March 2019