Quick Takes: A Podcast by Physicians, for Physicians
Every year physicians and residents encounter a growing number of patients — and a shrinking amount of time to keep up-to-date on new practices or legislation surrounding the field of mental health and addiction. Quick Takes has been in the air since 2018. Subscribe now.
Latest Episode:
The past, present, and future of neuromodulation with Dr. Daniel Blumberger
June 2024
Will the stigma around ECT fade? Will ECT simply grow less relevant in the age of ketamine and MST? What’s the future of neuromodulation?
To address these questions and more, Dr. David Gratzer spoke with Dr. Daniel Blumberger, scientific director of the Temerty Centre for Therapeutic Brain Intervention and professor at the University of Toronto.
Complete list of Quick Takes podcasts
The past, present, and future of neuromodulation with Dr. Daniel Blumberger
June 2024 Will the stigma around ECT fade? Will ECT simply grow less relevant in the age of ketamine and MST? What’s the future of neuromodulation? To address these questions and more, Dr. David Gratzer spoke with Dr. Daniel Blumberger, scientific director of the Temerty Centre for Therapeutic Brain Intervention and professor at the University of Toronto. |
The new CANMAT depression update with Dr. Raymond Lam
May 2024 The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) released its first major depression update in eight years. How has depression management changed, and what does it mean for you and your practice? Join Dr. David Gratzer as he speaks to Dr. Raymond Lam, the co-first author and the executive chair of CANMAT and find out. |
Mental health and addiction in the chronically homeless with Dr. Vicky Stergiopoulos "Housing First," the idea that stable housing, coupled with low-barrier access to services, has been championed for years by Dr. Gratzer's guest on this episode, former Physician-in-Chief and current senior scientist within the General Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems Division at CAMH, Dr. Vicky Stergiopoulos. |
The evolution of medical education with Dr Ivan Silver The world of medical education has changed. To talk about the evolution of student learning, Dr. David Gratzer sits down with returning guest Dr. Ivan Silver, former vice-president of education at CAMH and vice dean of the University of Toronto's Faculty of Medicine. |
ChatGPT and mental health care with Dr John Torous
November 2023 It’s the most downloaded app in history. ChatGPT has caused a stir. People use it to write resumes, plan dinner, and help with college term papers. What are the implications for mental health care? Will AI change our work? In this interview, Dr. Gratzer and returning guest Dr. John Torous, Director of the Digital Psychiatry Division at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, answer these questions. |
The debate over coercive care in mental health with Anna Mehler Paperny
September 2023 It’s the most downloaded app in history. ChatGPT has caused a stir. People use it to write resumes, plan dinner, and help with college term papers. What are the implications for mental health care? Will AI change our work? In this interview, Dr. Gratzer and returning guest Dr. John Torous, Director of the Digital Psychiatry Division at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, answer these questions. |
Patient suicide and its impact on residents and psychiatrists with Dr.
Juveria Zaheer Dr. Juveria Zaheer, a psychiatrist and Clinician Scientist with the Institute for Mental Health Policy Research here at CAMH, is the guest on this episode of Quick Takes. She and host, Dr. David Gratzer, discuss the findings in her recent paper on the impact of patient suicide on psychiatrists. |
Physician burnout and depression with Dr Srijan Sen
May 2023 A recent survey has found that burnout levels among physicians are alarmingly high. But what is burnout, really? And how does it differ from depression? These are questions that Dr. Gratzer discusses with this episode’s guest, Dr. Srijan Sen, a leading expert in physician burnout. |
The Big Sleep Update with Dr Michael Mak
April 2023 In this sleep “update,” QT talks about meds, CBT, and the mobile apps that he recommends to patients and their families. We also explore the history of sleep medicine and mull the growing role apps and wearables are playing in both diagnosis and therapy. |
Psilocybin in treatment for depression with Dr. Ishrat Husain
March 2023 |
David Goldbloom on his retirement, on his career, on psychiatry |
Sim with Dr. Petal Abdool and Stephanie Sliekers |
Crystal methamphetamine use with Dr. David Castle |
Expanding Access to Psychotherapy: David Clark on the English Experience |
QT interviews Dr. Thomas Insel, former NIMH Director |
Cannabis: Exploring the evidence and clinical implications with Dr. Kevin Hill |
Prevention and Sexual Abuse: Dr. Ainslie Heasman’s Talking for Change program |
Burnout & Recovery: A Conversation with Dr. Jillian Horton |
What all physicians need to know about wearables (and tech) in mental health care |
What all physicians need to know about innovations in mental health care |
What all physicians need to know about transgender-inclusive care |
What all physicians need to know about Ramadan and its clinical implications |
What all physicians need to know about race and racism in mental health care |
What all physicians need to know about mental health apps |
What all physicians need to know about suicide prevention |
What all physicians need to know about the rapid virtualization of mental health care – and the post-pandemic future
What all physicians need to know about telemental health |
What all physicians need to know about cannabis use and how to talk to our patients about it |
What all physicians need to know about technology and education |
What all physicians need to know about physician burnout |
What all physicians need to know about global psychiatry |
What all physicians need to know about digital psychiatry |
What all physicians need to know about the new Ontario Ministry of Transportation reporting requirements |
What all physicians need to know about cannabis legalization |